The latest internet browsers are well known for is security features like antispam, anti malaware and other malicious alongwith deleting search history. There was much difficulties happens for deleting the search history of your searches during the session on search engines like Google, Bing, Live, Yahoo or otherwise. The most secure internet browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera. When you browse the web and use search engine, the search engine and browser record and store your search history during the session. If you want to delete search history which stored by Mozilla Firefox, then go to its Tool menu and select the option “clear recent history”, there is also option to delete everything and site preference. If you select the private option then your current search session will remain private and Firefox will not record your history. For this purpose select “Start Private Browsing”.
If you want to clear the Google Chrome history, then you will go to the button which is on right top side and click on history. There are several options available either you want to delete all things. For this Go to Tools and click Clear Browsing Data in the menu. This will delete all your session search history.